Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Finally a Family!


It is with great pleasure for me to share with everyone my friend Lisa's news. She and her husband Andy are in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and have finally been united with their adopted son Yonathan. Here is her blog entry from today:

We are roughly 24hrs with Yonathan. We picked him up at the orphanage yesterday around 1. It was a remarkable experience meeting his caregivers. Many became emotional when we took him. They became very attached to this boy and we can see why after having him of only 24hrs. He is simply amazingly beautiful. He loves being held and we love holding him, especially while he sleeps. Most of the children are well cared for but are not held enough.

When we hold him next to us we can feel the immediate sense of safety and relaxation, which means a lot to us knowing his rough start in this life. We love him more than words and it brings tears to my eyes as I write this entry for many reasons. It deeply saddens me to think how many thousands upon thousands of children could be available for adoption. The poverty here is staggeringly sad. We feel fortunate and incredibly lucky for the gift of Yonathan and also want to thank the countless people who gave us so much support in the past couple of years. We are finally in Ethiopia with our son. This is one of the best days of our lives. Take care. Andy and Lisa

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