Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Making a Wake in the Drake

     It’s Wednesday afternoon, and we’re still crossing the Drake Passage. We’re now South of 60 degrees latitude, so we’re officially in Antarctic waters. It’s getting smoother, and we’re acquiring our sea legs. Our first landing will be at Danco Island sometime tomorrow. We’re still mesmerized with the albatrosses and petrels. Some rockhopper penguins were seen this morning, heads bobbing in the water. A researcher from Oceanites is excited of the prospect of sighting beaked whales. We’ll keep our fingers crossed and our eyes on the horizon. I’m hoping to attach a photo of a wandering albatross. Amazing bird, floating effortlessly, with a huge wingspan (eight to twelve feet)! I’m also attaching a photo of the cape petrel, an efficient bird with beautiful wing markings.

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