Sunday, February 15, 2009

Whale Tales

It’s been another crazy, action-packed day, filled with lots of history, scenery, and wildlife. The morning started with a kayak tour in a bay surrounded by glaciers. The rule of thumb is to stay away from a glacier by at least three times its height, in case the glacier calves (giant ice chunks break off and violently fall into the bay, resulting in large booms and huge waves). When I looked around, based on the height of the glaciers, we probably shouldn’t have been in the bay at all! We then toured a restored British outpost, Port Lock Roy, followed by hikes on the island.

The afternoon cruise down Andvord Bay was filled with numerous whale sightings: Humpbacks, Minke, and the Killer Whale (Orca type B). Of course, there was additional hiking in Neko Harbour, where Gentoo penguins and glaciers abound. This was the first official hike on the continent of Antarctica, as all of the previous landings were on islands.

Humpback Whale Tail

Minke Whale Showing Off

Antarctica Killer Whales (Orca Type B)

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    The photos you are sending are excellent. This is mind blowing! I am having so much fun reading about your experiences and enjoying the pictures. Until the next update...
