Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Million Penguins

According to our penguin researchers from Oceanites, we have observed approximately one million penguins on our expedition to Antarctica, South Georgia Island, and the Falklands. Today, we added a seventh species to our expedition list, the Rockhopper. We visited a colony on New Island, located in the Falkland Islands.

Rockhopper Penguin

Rockhopper Pairs

We stumbled upon a South American Snipe during our trek on Carcass Island this morning. Nice beak!

Moulting Magellanic Penguins on Carcass Island

There were a large number of Black-Browed Albatrosses nesting on New Island. It was intriguing to watch them fly in and attempt to land. They are graceful in the sky, but clumsy when it comes to landings. Here is a photo of a parent with a chick.

We are now steaming our way back to Ushuaia, Argentina. It is hard to believe it is the start of a long journey home.

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