Tuesday, February 24, 2009

South Georgia Island Exodus

It has been another great day in paradise. We spent the morning touring Elsehul, a small bay in the northern part of the island. It is teeming with wildlife. There are lots of penguins (Gentoos, Kings, and Macaronis), albatrosses (Wandering, Grey-Headed, Light-Mantled Sooty, and Black-Browed), and countless fur seals. A very magical place.

Grey-Headed Albatross Preening

My Favorite, a Light-Mantled Sooty Albatross Couple

Macaroni Penguins Diving Into the Sea

Fur Seal Pups Playing in the Kelp

This evening we are steaming our way towards the Falkland Islands…yet another long journey. This crossing passes through an extremely active cyclonic area that includes high winds and stormy seas. It is referred to as, “The Furious Fifties,” located in the Scotia Sea from 50 to 60 degrees latitude situated between the Ross and Weddell Seas. The frigid air from Antarctica meets the warmer air from the north, making this one of the stormiest areas in the world. So the short story is, we are going to have a rough ride for the next few days. The winds are currently at 40 knots (over 50 miles per hour). Our ship has slowed down its speed to ten knots in an attempt to decrease the pitching and rolling. There is a double-watch on the bridge. Large icebergs are noted on the charts. All portholes are sealed. It will take us approximately 67 hours to reach our destination. I will keep my fingers crossed, attempt to keep my feet on the floor, hope to avoid seasickness, and once again look forward to stepping upon terra firma.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,
    Good luck with those rough seas! Guess such an incredible journey can't be all beautiful scenery and amazing experiences:) Thanks again for sharing your adventure with us! It has been so fun for me.

