Thursday, November 5, 2009

In Transit in Vietnam

I've made it to my final destination: Can Tho, Vietnam. It has been quite the journey. The bus ride went well. We were lucky enough to ride in an air-conditioned bus. It is going to take me a while to get acclimated to this hot and humid weather!

The most common form of Vietnamese transporation is the motobike. The hordes of two-wheeled vehicles brought back memories of Amsterdam. You have to be very careful when crossing the street!

Of course, there are plenty of willing individuals ready to give you a ride!

A family that rides together, thrives together!

Can Tho came into sight at the end of our journey. You could see it just on the other side of the Hau River. However, they are still working on constructing a new bridge. We had to get off the bus and board a ferry to cross the river.

Sunset on the Hau River, Mekong Delta, Vietnam.

We are settled into The Ninh Kieu 2 Hotel, we had a fresh Vietnamese feast, and now we are busy preparing for our screening which starts tomorrow. We will have an opportunity to meet a a lot of terrific kids!

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