Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mr. Potato Head

Our first day of surgery went well. We tucked the kids in for the night, and we will return tomorrow for our second of five days of surgery. Yet another day of fun and challenges. I am quite impressed with my international team and our Vietnam colleagues...a synergistic group. We are working well together.
My day was busy, to say the least. I did have a quiet moment talking with a mother about her son who was going to have his cleft palate repaired. He had a number of developmental issues. In the United States, he would be involved in early intervention/therapies/school. That's not an option for him in Vietnam. However, it was evident his mother was doing all that she could for him.

Prior to departing for Vietnam, I was reviewing the cargo manifest. It listed various items, including pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, anesthetic gases, dressings, suture materials...and Mr. Potato Heads?!! Hasbro has taken an active philanthropic role in supporting Operation Smile, and subsequently designed a special edition Operation Smile Mr. Potato Head. There were two cases of Mr. Potato Heads listed on the manifest. Needless to say, they arrived safely. He is a special plush toy, with the Operation Smile logo on his hat. You may order one through Operation Smile with a donation of $50 or more.

It's fun to hear through the grapevine what's occurring at the other Vietnam mission sites. Jackie Chan recently visited the site at Hanoi. You may read more about the "Journey of Miracles" 20 year Vietnam celebration and Jackie Chan at:

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